Design Yourself

Design Yourself

If WE want to create a new identity, we must let go of our personal stories, our thoughts and expectations that create suffering. When we hold on to painful stories we continue to recreate the same quality of energy as these. The nature of our limiting nature is a type of separation anxiety that contains a collection of programmed patterns of desire and repulsion procedures inherited from our parents, society and biological conditioning, where we strive for pleasure and avoid pain. If we believe that we are this programmed character, we will suffer. We must remember that we are much more than all the characters we choose to project onto the earth at any given time. Human thoughts are a creative force that is manifested in our physical lives. Negative thoughts create negative sensations and experiences. We can use anxiety, depression, ME, suicidal thoughts, cancer, heart disease, autoimmune diseases and ill health as a gateway to something bigger and better, where we develop mind control as a conscious creation of everything we experience and experience.

"Depression is when your body says 'I don't want to be this character anymore. I don't want to hold on to this avatar that I have created in the world. It's too much for me." You should think of the word depressed as deep rest - your body needs to be depressed. It needs rest from the character you've been trying to play in your life."

Jim Carrey.

Getting to a sustainable inner state is something we have to work on from within. Even if we have many friends, partners, children and other loved ones, illness and ill health must be transformed from the inside. Our loved ones can help us for a period of time. But the deep-seated patterns that create illness will return if we do not work on the root of our emotional programming. When we are able to accept and acknowledge, we can eventually set ourselves free. Although I am writing this, it is important to be aware that societal structures and collective consciousness influence the creation of disease. We have societal structures that promote individualism. This is in many ways antithetical to basic human needs such as connection, community and inclusion.

When we work on ourselves, we can reach a no-man's land/void where we feel alone. It can be difficult to find meaning when the thought paradigm and understanding we have lived with all our lives suddenly no longer works. Some people believe that money, things, positions and certain roles can fill the experience of inner emptiness. Once we have acquired all the things and roles, we are convinced that the inner state will change. But anything created from a state of lack will lead to further feelings of lack. In a long-term perspective, the feeling of emptiness cannot be filled with things. We can use this vacuum period as a starting point to create something new. The void occurs when we transform old identities and find ourselves at the zero point of our creation. At first it may feel like nothing is working, as the old patterns and ways of thinking crumble away. It's important to know that this is actually a good state to be in when we want to create a new identity. Then it's about accepting and embracing. We need to replenish what we want in our new identity, rather than feeding ourselves with negativity and old thought paradigms. The health bible shows us that the void is our spiritual awakening to a greater knowledge of ourselves and our essence.

"As long as the fear of suffering persists, we will not dare to explore the deeper levels of life. Only the body needs to be protected, nothing else in us needs protection. If we are willing to drop the ideas, philosophies and belief systems we are attached to, we can recreate our whole life in the next moment."


We need to start telling ourselves a different story that produces better thoughts and feelings. We need to look for the positive aspects and focus on what we really want in the depths of ourselves. The void shows us the shadows that prevent us from shining our best selves. This is a place that many experience as a scary place to be. We often want to avoid the void where we feel like nothing, where we are stripped of our familiar old identity. When we are in the vacuum of the void, we often don't know what is happening, who we are and what we should be doing, where we are forced to see the world through our multi-sensory soul eyes in a totally new way from within. In the void, we have the opportunity to recreate ourselves and create an expanded identity.

"The Voidis the first aspect of being human. All forms of existence spring from the void, which is the source's core of pure potential. The Void is the realization of infinite energy and the only place where we can experience absolutely everything from within. From this state we see that we must unlearn and forget all the programming of our lived life where we can start with a clean slate and create anew. In the void we can feel absolutely every emotion, we can cultivate more of who we are, get to know ourselves better, and recreate everything."

Ann-Peggy 💛 Divine.

When we are totally accepting and present in the void, we gain expanded insight and information about ourselves. New projects can be born, and it can be compared to a pregnancy and a birth of something new. If we embrace the discomfort we sense, because we can feel absolutely everything, this will be the most supportive thing we do. It can be overwhelming for the body, and we have to choose whether to allow and open up. The experience can be that there is too much at once, which is also experienced as a neutrality. We want to expand so that the unconscious parts of us are brought into consciousness. With this we help to establish the most important relationship in all of life, which is the connection to our true soul sense. This gives us a shift in perception and perspective. Our entire existence changes as we transform the body's cellular memory of past lives.

Most souls have carried a death memory from previous physical lives. In the void, we have the opportunity to transcend the body's cellular memory of present and past lives. We can move into the infinite that is immortal. The void is our naked creation out of which we are actually created. When we are in the void, we are in a spiral of infinite possibilities and potential, where we can ascend our own spiral of wisdom and light. We have to go through the void when we create the new earth, because this is the essence from which we create. It gives us an inner quantum leap of perception where we choose to live out heaven on earth with the reality we want to live through. When I stand in the center of my own spiral, I see the results of my own creation, and also all the possibilities that exist.

 "Your task is not to search for love, but to search and find the barriers within yourself that you have built against it."


The Void contains the potential for all life and experience, also known as the Akashic library, sacred universal heart and book of life. In the Void all our parts are united, where the soul consciousness as our observer merges with the ego consciousness as our organ of action. This merging forms the core of unity consciousness where all separation ceases. It is important to give ourselves time and space in the transformation and expansion phase, because the void is a process of death and rebirth and can therefore be experienced as a phase of emptiness and nothingness. Rumi's quote that our task is to find barriers within ourselves that prevent us from love refers to the process of allowing ourselves to be in the void and allowing shadow sides to transform. It is the feelings and emotions that carry the information and knowledge that we want to integrate into true wisdom. Through the heart sense, which is also beyond time, all experience is stored as sensory information.

"The world is formed from the void, like kitchen utensils from a block of wood. The master knows the tools, but sticks to the block. Thus she can use all things."

Tao Te Ching" by Lao Tzu (Verse 28).

Within the Western medicine paradigm, the void is paradoxically medicated away because the condition is considered a disease, deviation and diagnosis. With medication, we are held back from the transcendence that wants to lift us to a new level of insight, wholeness and wisdom. Michael Singer transcended and woke up in seconds from one reality to another, and that without undergoing steps that extend over time. In Norway, the same thing happened to Lilli Bendriss when she spontaneously woke up through a deep acupuncture needle in her stomach, at the age of 42. She awoke from an understanding and perception, to an expanded perception where she saw behind veils and masks. All varieties of spiritual awakening and transcendence exist.

Our greatest gift lies right next to our greatest wounds. The presence of the unexplainable fills us with unimaginable abundance, awe and fulfillment. We talk about downloading from the quantum field when we connect to an elevated level of consciousness with all information. When the inexplicable takes over in mysterious ways, this is not about a conscious download similar to what I do in other contexts. It is something that spontaneously happens in the moment, for the common good and with an adaptation and form of expression that often amazes me and leaves me in awe. I use myself, my avatar and my presence in the moment. Many times there is no unseen difference in me, other than that my surroundings and myself are in a high and truthful vibration like heaven on earth. Everything just is, amazing, with wonder and magic.

Mystical experiences make us full of love when we live from this dimension, which is beyond religious and fixed truths. It is a dimension that cannot be described in words because it is a being beyond mental constructs and thought, and is all-encompassing in the present moment. It can take unimaginable forms, and there is no universal formula. The fact is that it is a present experience, unfolding in magical and mysterious ways adapted to our unique avatar. It is a dimension that is connected to our faith, and that is connected to a direct knowing and wisdom in all that is. The revelations choose us when we say "YES" to something greater and invite in the unknown and wise field of consciousness. These experiences recreate us and expand us into something new and fresh. For many years I had known that my presence on earth was to contribute higher collective consciousness. Although I felt alone at times, the path was continuously shown to me, through inner guidance and revelations, through receptivity, openness and trust. My earthly journey was paramount, and the environment would give me everything I needed. The changes that took place within me and the switching on of source power, revealed the all-encompassing healing power that can flow freely within people when we are a neutral instrument and co-creator in relationship with everything. Revelations are insights that lift us to higher consciousness, allowing us to see beyond repetitive patterns, events and behaviors, and beyond illusions. We then move out of analysis and programmed thoughts, into the flow of an open and inclusive heart. We increase our perspective and change the perception with which we approach life.