A few words about me;
I am a conscious source creator who has chosen this time on earth to be a driving force for the paradigm shift taking place in human life in the 21st century. EVERY human being is born with unique talents, and as a shapeshifter I help people to upgrade their being in accordance with their essence and soul. I merge soul time so we can live in super flow with breakthroughs and blessings. All life is connected. Your happiness is my happiness. Your success is my success. On the website DivineDesign.it you will find updated information about the projects I am currently involved in 💫✨🌈
My name is Ann-Peggy Heart Divine, born in 1973, married and mother of 5 children. I was born with a heart defect (VSD = ventricular septal defect), and was very ill during the first years of my life. As a baby, I was well looked after in hospital by the fantastic public health care system in Norway. For as long as I can remember, I have been interested in health and people, and wondered why some people became more ill than others, and the reasons for this. I was born with the character trait empath, which meant that I took in the energetic imprint of the people around me. This made me quite confused and insecure because I was told to trust the words that were said more than what I sensed from people. This led to me closing my heart completely at the age of 5. The day I closed my heart was a trauma that created an internal imbalance that eventually led to me developing mental and physical illnesses.
In Western medicine, we have to a lesser extent embraced the knowledge and wisdom in relation to emotions/feelings and living with a protected heart. When I closed my heart as a 5-year-old, I had built up a defense and protection, so I trusted the matrix and words in society (parents, school, media) more than I trusted my own senses. A closed heart means that we trust others (external sources) more than we trust ourselves. Not trusting ourselves is the same as giving up the power and essence of who we are. Anyone who lives with a closed heart will develop mental, physical and eventually chronic illnesses. We need to be in energy flow to be in inner balance and harmony, otherwise our internal organs will eventually become unbalanced and cause us pain.
A closed heart shows us experiences where life is too hard and we don't want to deal with it. To feel that the heart is closed, to feel hurt, rejected, hardened and cold. This is the same as giving up on love because we don't think we deserve it. This is linked to mental truths where we devalue ourselves and are self-critical. We can feel worthless, angry and bitter, and take on too much responsibility, leaving us feeling stressed and anxious. With a closed heart, we often give too much of ourselves and push ourselves further than we can handle. We don't listen to our own heart.
Feelings such as dissatisfied, disappointed, humiliated, hurt and loneliness are emotional expressions when we live with a closed heart.
With a closed heart, we live unilaterally according to our programmed thought identity and our mental scripts. We learn to listen more to other people's information than to our own body, senses and heart's wisdom, which is the same as living in resistance to life and oneself. When we close the heart, our lives are narrowed down where we exist only from the thought experiences of past stories and experiences. People who live from the mind, without including the emotions and the body, often experience multiple ENOUGH-points that lead to unbalanced mental and physical health. We are then in many ways living unfaithfully to our soul identity. Not because we are lying, but because our survival has adapted to the environment, which overrides our essence. The first physical symptom I got after I had closed my heart was repeated ear infections, and at the age of 12 my body began to ache violently with various illnesses, where the pain body eventually became my normal state.
When the heart is open to all that is, and includes all that we have ever been or ever will be in this moment, there is a rhythm that begins to move within us. This rhythm has dimension, great dynamism and a sense of flow, so that we are not held in any thought process, or any particular way of believing. Rather, we are open to all that we carry, all our abilities, instincts and truths, so that we can offer them in each moment to those around us and to ourselves.
When the whole body system is open, we are in super flow with coherent transmissions without necessarily having to do anything. When this life force flows through the heart, all the heart qualities will be released such as compassion, loving kindness, joy, reverence, curiosity and courage. Everything comes out of the heart and the head center becomes pure perception, clarity, deep understanding, insight, wisdom and confidence in what is needed in the moment. An open heart is one of the most important preventive factors for good health. An open heart provides us with a harmonious inner environment where all our internal organs work together and support us in everything we want to accomplish on earth.
Education, career and work experience
I trained in electronics for three years in my youth, and worked in the company Stein Johnsen AS from 1990 - 1999. During these years I worked practically with mechanical and electrical systems.
Our eldest son, Aleksander, was diagnosed with liver cancer in 1996, which led to a state of crisis with worries and uncertainty. The family met a supportive social worker who arranged the formalities when our son's life was hanging by a thread.
This meant that in the fall of 1999 I went back to school to get my university entrance qualification so that I could follow my heart and train as a social worker. During my social worker training, I worked in substance abuse care, where I quickly discovered that my social worker training did not provide sufficient expertise in working with trauma and soul wounds. Working with gestalt therapists helped me to train as a gestalt therapist as an extension of my social work studies. Through the gestalt therapy training, we had to work in our own patterns and shadow sides so that we did not transfer "blind spots" to the clients. The essence of gestalt therapy is about mindfulness training and exploring choices.
This therapy philosophy is creative, phenomenological, present and with an expanded holistic understanding of the human being.
In my experience, Gestalt therapy training is one of the best "approved" therapy training programs we have in Norway. My curiosity about health, development and growth led me to continue my education as a regression therapist, hypnotherapist, EFT Power therapist (emotional freedom therapist), health mentor and energy medicine coach. In addition to working as a therapist and health mentor, I trained in shamanic techniques that contributed to the depersonalization of emotional and energetic programming.
Over the years, I have worked in health care through state, municipal and private companies, and in various voluntary organizations. It is mainly psychiatry of adolescents and adults that has been my expertise.
Work assignments in healthcare have been within substance abuse and psychiatry, child welfare services, treatment institutions, schools, protection measures code 6, emergency measures, aftercare, mentor for newly arrived refugees in a project with NAV, supervised companies and treatment of trauma therapy in my own company. I have followed clients through court cases, in police interrogations, in hospitals, in child protection cases, to BUP, family counseling, and through various help systems. Most people who work in the public sector have been doing what we can for years to improve the services and systems we are part of. The public sector accounts for 34% of all employees in Norway.
In autumn 2014, I established the company Hjertepeggy AS that offers therapy, coaching, group guidance, aftercare and courses. I have worked as a mentor for Hjerteakademiet's coaching education and led groups that have trained as coaches. I have been hired by career Troms and worked with newly arrived refugees in the "clearly I can" method - insight gives insight. Has also worked as a project manager to reduce sickness absence in companies. From 2021 I have offered energy medicine coaching to my clients who have helped to change people's lives.
All working conditions have given me good experience and learning in relation to health and recovery. The experience from my own family with five children has given me the deepest lessons in life. All my children are sensitive people who have absorbed large amounts of energy from their surroundings 💫 💫 💫 💫. The two oldest children have had extensive health challenges since birth. The eldest son chose to take his own life in the summer of 2015 when he had lost hope of a pain-free life as a sensitive person. Like me, the children have experienced that their surroundings have contributed to imbalance and illnesses. Kindergartens, schools, leisure groups and workplaces have shown us systems that are not very supportive of sensitive people 🥺 😭 😰.
- The main reason why our environment has contributed to imbalance and illness is about condemnation and the the jantel law. Our attitudes are aspects of the the jantel law. The news picture often reinforces the the jantel law, where we are fed with fears and intimidations that make us more inclined to accept the paradigm of thought in society.
- The Norwegian paradigm of thought almost killed me in 2013 as I was preparing for my physical death. My heart could not cope with the strain. I had developed a stress heart (hare heart) that beat irregularly, irregularly and rapidly for months at a time. The doctor said that my heart could not cope with all the stresses and strains that had been placed on it over the years, and that a radical change in my life was needed.
- Epigenetics has shown us that humans are as much connected to the environment as anything else. Our genes are controlled by epigenetics where the information from our environment is interpreted by our cells and then used to control the genes. Environment is more important in relation to which genes are expressed in us 🧬 🧬 🧬.
- Danish-born author Aksel Sandemose has written several psychological novels in which he wrote the The jantel law and the unwritten laws in Scandinavian society in 1933. My response to the The jantel law is # soul-principles that give us supportive thoughts and truths that activates the well-being, health and wellness 🤩 🤣 🥳 🤪.