There is a lot of talk about values and virtues.
Living out values and virtues is different from reading them from a document where we only relate to the virtues from our mental mind.

Values and virtues are often seen as synonymous, but they are actually quite different. Simply put Values are goals or ideals or even opinions. Virtues are behaviors that demonstrate high moral standards. Virtues are how we practice and show character.

This page mainly wants to highlight "virtues" and how we practice and cultivate our character.

The virtue of PATIENCE has been challenging for me to honor to the fullest. I had to work several rounds within myself to "own" the virtue of patience. I have been patient with fellow human beings, friends and customers where I was unable to be as patient in my own process. We have a highly stressed society that programs us with condemnation, inadequacy and everything we MUST do. Living with patience is something we need to practice. It's about balance in everything, where today we often want immediate rewards and like-clicks.

Studies show that children often choose immediate reward over patience and waiting for a better and more beneficial result. We have programmed ourselves to speed and shortcuts to success and abundance. Kids will be popular where they want fans and like clicks. "Quick fix" usually does not work in physical life. You need to prepare yourself and grow with patience.

Values and virtues are FEELINGS and a sensory experience. Virtues tell us how emotions we want to live through.

My sense of home is DIVINE GRACE 💫✨💫✨

What is your sense of home?

The virtue of FORGIVENESS is important in relation to our own history, our ancestors and most of all ourselves. Crying, grieving, being intimate and close to ourselves is an aspect of forgiveness. As long as we relate to our physical life, forgiveness will be essential so that we can give ourselves the freedom and peace we seek.

Can you send good thoughts and pray for the people who have hurt you? When you carry bitterness, anger and hatred towards others, it is you who becomes the bearer of these destructive emotions. It may well be that those who have offended you do not deserve forgiveness from a personal perspective. Yet we usually see only a few percent of the whole picture of all situations in life. Those who violate and commit abuse live with wounds themselves, and are looking for ways to remove their own wounds.

Radical forgiveness is possible, so that challenging events can be transformed from hurt to resource and strength. The way we store all experiences in life has great significance for the mind and body. Radical forgiveness requires that we change the way we think. We must activate inner power to radically change our minds and thoughts about the world.

TRUST is an important virtue for everyone. Trust in oneself and one's soul reflects all aspects of our lives. Most Norwegians live with many fears and worries. We live in a trust society where we have trust issues at our core. True trust is about confidence in one's true essence.

Everyone on earth has their own unique curriculum path. We don't have the same journeys and paths of experience. We are put into systems where we have to think alike and in certain ways, and this is unfortunate for us. With this, we create diseases. When we talk about trust, FAITH is the highest level of trust.

Faith is not about a religious affiliation, where for me it is about my true heart and contact with the soul. Faith, trust and truths are different aspects of the same essence. Man's true religion is their unique souls. You need confidence in your own self-created journey that you want from your higher soul.

All diseases and challenges we can use as gateways and gifts to get to our soul essence. All your desires and longings you can achieve. The The jantel law and the programming in the culture are usually what prevents us. If you have a "natural" longing, you can reach this. If you practice and take in the power and learning from the values of trust - patience - and forgiveness, we will reach you your desires and gifts of the soul.

“Become the Change You Want to See in the World”. -Dalai LAMA

#Truth. - Make your truth visible ❤️