Divine design

Our Divine design is our true blueprint which is also referred to as Cosmic blueprint of Source existence which is in direct connection with our higher expression and higher light. Divine design is also referred to as dharma, which refers to the right way of living and the path of righteousness. Divine design and Dharma can also be described as eternal truth. An actualized soul works according to its Divine design.

As we gain more and more insight into our own lives, we know that we are following our true path. True development and growth comes from our creative self, which is our true essence and source design. The teachings we encounter are encodings, and each of us receives this encoding exactly as we need in our individual lives. For me it was through Western/Eastern medicine, Christianity, shamanism, Sufism, medical intuition, energy medicine, esoteric knowledge, gnosis, my clients, family, and all my surroundings. Many people experience revelations and insights, which contribute to humanity's change and evolution into more sensory beings. Revelations and self-knowledge change our existence, because we gain insight into the cosmic game on earth, that everything is love, and that everyone is connected to each other through our source design. We understand that we are part of something bigger, and that everything we do to ourselves and others affects the whole.

Universal prana is synonymous with cosmic consciousness, universal source field and unity consciousness containing the all. When we unite ego consciousness, soul consciousness and cosmic consciousness, we are in flow with the life force, also called synchronicity of divine-design (chapter 42:29-33 in the Health Bible). This is referred to as coherence and homeostasis. It means that the heart and all parts of the brain are synchronous and in co-creation. There is a lot of new science around coherence that shows us that something is coherent within ourselves and the whole. Author, researcher, teacher and doctor Joe Dispenza says that when our heart and brain start to become aligned and organized, this produces ripple effects. Being in coherence is synonymous with being a divine co-creator that has beneficial ripple effects for all of humanity. All energy is frequency, and all frequency carries information. When consciousness is unified, we create the future we want for ourselves and others. In this state, we analyze less, we trust more, and we don't try to influence the outcome. We trust the outcome because we feel connected to a life force and spirituality greater than ourselves.

Qualities of the soul, intuition, the unknown, vulnerability, humility, reverence and trust characterize our divine design. It is the truth of oneness, remembrance, direct knowledge and the language of light. Our divine design is about uniting with spirit, opening every cell in the body, and intertwining the threads that bind all life. It is the reminder that there is no distinction between the invisible and the visible, and between substance and form. Consciousness is guided where the frequency of body, emotion, mind and spirit are balanced. It is an initiation into being, where we honor ourselves and know the purpose of our choice as incarnate humans. The initiation is about merging with nature and all worlds through guided rituals to remember the cycles and rhythms of life. We learn to see without our physical eyes and to hear without our physical ears. We know that there is never really anything to fear. We surrender to Divine-order and the truth of oneness, where we reach communion with all. We know that the truth of oneness is encoded as a remembrance in our Divine design that actualizes our co-creative soul.

 "It is impossible to interfere with the divine plan and higher good of others. The I AM presence is the guide and the direct journey."

Suzanne Giesemann.

Sai Maa Lakshmi Devi Mishra grew up in accordance with her Divine design. In her culture, the scholars and priests synchronize with the Earth's timeline where they guide parents about their newborn children. The scholars told Sai Maa's parents that she needed to go through some fears early in life, and so her parents intentionally took her through several staged childhood fears so that she could grow in alignment with her Divine design. This was part of her initiation. In many choices and situations in childhood and adolescence, her parents introduced the pros and cons of everything she encountered. The benefit of experiencing childhood fears was that she could get closer to human nature and understand how the human mind and human emotions work. As an adult, she relates to fear and can understand this energy even if she doesn't live with it. Because of this, she feels closer to the human system. When she studied psychology, and when she studied everything else, it was easier for her to relate and connect to everything she learned. In her adult life, she has become a spiritual guru, businesswoman, energy healer and author. She is known among her followers as the embodiment of the divine feminine and has claimed both omnipotence and omniscience. In 2007, Sai Maa was honored with the prestigious title of Jagadguru, the highest title in the Vedic tradition in India. She is the first woman to receive this title in 2,700 years of the Vishnuswami lineage. This honor represents all who recognize the depth of Maas's contribution to the re-emergence of the divine feminine in our world. One of the central premises of her teachings is that the earth, and its spiritually evolved human inhabitants, are ascending to a new dimension.

"The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and science. He who is a stranger to feeling, who can no longer stop to wonder and stand enveloped in awe, is as good as dead - his eyes are closed."

Albert Einstein.

In The Health Bible - Think with your heart (2024), the resource section teaches you how to synchronize with your divine design