Letter from the year 2222.

Hello 2024 from the year 2222.

The world entered the dark night of the soul - a period of transformation and initiation of the new man and the new earth - when the small coronavirus deeply affected humanity in the years 2019/2020. The deep survival instincts and fears rooted in humanity were triggered, leading most countries to implement societal lockdowns. While the coronavirus proved fatal for some, it catalyzed a significant shift from the old paradigm to the new paradigm of consciousness that defines existence in 2222. This activation affected human light bodies and higher essence, leading to the crystallization and transformation of collective consciousness.

After COVID-19, Russia invaded Ukraine, plunging people into ongoing deep crises. Human programming, from the 1st century to the 21st century, has largely been shaped by inherited ancestral patterns such as "slave of fear" or tied up in perpetual battles, stemming from centuries of wars and conflicts. Until the 21st century, nationalism and loyalty to one´s motherland dominated in most countries. From early childhood, people were indoctrinated to be patriotic, often viewing the unknown or the foreign as the enemy. Enemies were designated based on differences in countries (nationalities), religions, skin colors, cultures, political groups, races, opinions and various manifestations of xenophobia.

As the information age and digital revolution accelerated in the late nineteenth century, people lived with considerable ignorance and limited ego programming. The advent of the coronavirus marked a collective and long-awaited timeout, offering people the opportunity to reassess their lives and awaken to an expanded sense of reality.

It's challenging for us to comprehend that humans have been acting like robots for centuries, trusting external programming over their inner essence and intuition. People were alienated from themselves, not knowing WHO they truly were. Living an awakened life, as we do in 2222, it's difficult to grasp the extent to which people hav been asleep - devoid of feeling and true wisdom - due to the inherent trauma and fear ingrained in them. It is astonishing to consider that humanity was so thoroughly indoctrinated that they did not trust their own innate and truthful essence.

In 2222, the majority of humanity has activated its light body and understands that all life is a projection from our higher self. Peace and serenity begins with a quiet mind and a truthful heart. We refrain from causing harm to our brothers, sisters or the extended human family on whom we depend. Our way of life aligns with the UBUNTU philosophy, emphasizing the interconnectedness of all souls and everything that surrounds us. UBUNTU emphasizes the importance of community, human connections, and the language and virtues of the soul.

In the year 2222, we are aware that we are source creators, actively participating in the experience of our own lives. There is a deep understanding that any mental construct or belief is part of our own creation. Recognizing that buying into others´ constructs can significantly impact our personal reality, we have learned to live as conscious source creators. We acknowledge that we have chosen to be on Earth during this special time and we know that our gifts and talents contribute to co-creating the beauty that flows from our divine design.

Living in alignment with our essence and divine design, we have witnessed the almost complete absence of sickness and habitat diseases. This awareness and intentional way of living creates a harmonious connection between humanity and Mother Earth, fostering a co-creative process that enriches the world with the beauty of our collective source design.

The significant epidemic of mental and chronic diseases, termed as habitat diseases in your century, has nearly vanished in ours. You finally understood that most of the diseases was an invitation and wake up call to change into your multidimensional being. Furthermore, we view health challenges as a collective endeavor and an invitation to larger groups and habitats to introspectively examine their creations and manifestations. Our existence is harmoniously intertwined with a healthy environment as we engage in co-creation with all living beings on earth. We communicate with the plant kingdom, animal kingdom, mineral kingdom, fungi kingdom, other planets/stars, the spirit kingdom and extraterrestrial beings. Our relationships extend to whatever we wish to experience on the playground of Mother Earth.

We know that exploration of existence, consciousness and ultimate realities through various philosophical perspectives is a complex and multifaceted endeavor. For instance, we have integrated different perspectives from metaphysical realism, idealism, materialism, dualism, panpsychism, existentialism, phenomenology, Eastern philosophies, process philosophy, analytical philosophy of mind, quantum physics/science and more. All these philosophical viewpoints represent a small fraction of the diverse ways in which we as humans have grappled with questions about existence. This exploration continues to evolve, with new ideas and insights shaping our understanding of the fundamental nature of reality.

Achieving a holistic understanding requires us to intertwine different phenomena on Earth and in the universe. Explaining various cycles on Mother Earth and in the Universe involves understanding the fundamental processes and interactions that govern us. Some of the key cycles include:

Earth's cycles

  1. The water cycle, also known as the hydrological cycle, describes the continuous movement of water on, above and below the earth's surface. It involves processes such as evaporation, condensation, precipitation, infiltration, runoff and transpiration.
  2. The carbon cycle is the circulation and transformation of carbon among living organisms, the atmosphere, oceans, soil and geological formations. It includes processes such as photosynthesis, respiration, decomposition and combustion of fossil fuels.
  3. The nitrogen cycle involves the transformation of nitrogen between different forms in the atmosphere, soil and living organisms. Key processes include nitrogen fixation, nitrification, assimilation, ammonification and denitrification.
  4. The rock cycle describes the processes by which rocks transform from one type to another over geological time. It includes processes such as weathering, erosion, sedimentation, compaction and lithification.
  5. Life cycles represent the stages of development and growth of living organisms. This includes birth, growth, reproduction and death. The life cycle of different organisms varies widely.

Celestial cycles:

  1. The day-night cycle on Earth is caused by the Earth's rotation on its axis. It takes approximately 24 hours for the Earth to complete one rotation, resulting in alternating periods of daylight and darkness.
  2. The seasonal cycle is due to the tilt of the Earth's axis as it orbits the sun. This tilt causes variations in the angle and duration of sunlight received at different latitudes, leading to the four seasons: spring, summer, fall and winter.
  3. The lunar cycle, or lunar phases, are caused by the changing positions of the earth, moon and sun. It takes approximately 29.5 days for the moon to complete one orbit around the earth, leading to phases such as new moon, intersection, first quarter, full moon and last quarter.
  4. The solar cycle refers to the approximately 11-year cycle of the sun's activity, which includes changes in the number of sunspots, solar storms and solar radiation. This cycle is influenced by the sun's magnetic activity.
  5. Galactic cycles involve phenomena on galaxy scales. For example, spiral galaxies such as the Milky Way can show rotational cycles in their arms, and there are larger cosmic cycles related to the structure and evolution of galaxies within the universe.

Understanding these cycles involves principles from physics, chemistry, biology, astronomy and alchemy, revealing the dynamic processes occurring on Earth and in the wider universe. Our universe has always been in a state of evolution, and advances in technology and observational techniques have provided more accurate estimates. The vastness and complexity of the cosmos makes it a fascinating subject. We want to highlight some aspects due to the vast, diverse and intricate nature of the universe. Several aspects operate on scales and dimensions that do not use the same languages or terms as each other.

  1. Scale and Size: The universe is immense, spanning unimaginable distances. Galaxies and the building blocks of the cosmos can contain billions or even trillions of stars. Beyond the galaxies, there are vast cosmic structures like galaxy clusters and superclusters, creating a cosmic web that extends across the observable universe.
  2. Diversity of Celestial Objects: Stars exhibit variations in size, color, temperature and age. Some culminate their existence in spectacular events such as supernovae. Planets, moons, asteroids, comets and other celestial bodies orbit around stars in the solar system. Each of these objects possesses its own unique characteristics.
  3. Dark Matter and Dark Energy: The majority of matter in the universe is made up of dark matter, which does not emit, absorb or reflect light. Its presence is inferred through its gravitational effects. Dark energy, among other things, is responsible for the accelerated expansion of the universe.
  4. The Complexity of Galaxies: Galaxies manifest in various shapes and sizes, encompassing spiral, elliptical and irregular forms. Within galaxies, there exists a diverse population of stars, gas, dust and, in many cases, massive black holes at the center.
  5. Quantum Realm: The quantum world is a universe outside of time and space, accessible beyond a subatomic size. Quantum physics deals with subatomic particles, which are the building blocks of all matter. We already exist in a quantum reality. At the smallest scales, the quantum realm introduces complexity through principles like superposition and entanglement.
  6. Relativity and Spacetime: Relativity describes how gravity works on cosmic scales, introducing the concept of warped spacetime.
  7. Cosmic Microwave Background: The CMB is the afterglow of the Big Bang that gives us a snapshot of the early moments of the universe. Studying it helps us understand the early conditions and evolution of the cosmos.
  8. The Evolution of the Universe: The universe undergoes continuous changes from the rapid expansion in the early moments to the formation of galaxies, stars and planets.
  9. Multidisciplinary Nature of Cosmology: Understanding the cosmos requires knowledge from different scientific disciplines.
  10. Limitations in Understanding: Despite advances in technology and observational tools, there are still many aspects of the cosmos that remain unknown. We are in a constant process of evolving our understanding of the universe as we, as human beings, evolve. Human being possess the Source consciousness to recreate and elevate our reality and existence on Earth and other planets.

From various paradigms, perspectives and holistic philosophies, we have learned that collaboration and openness (an open mind and heart) to different viewpoints are crucial for our own survival. Living as multidimensional beings, each of us brings in parts of the wholeness that we represent in our co-creating hologram. Even Plato, around 400 BC, had insight into our holographic existence in the cosmos when he wrote:

"Man is a little world (microcosm). For, just like the Whole, he possesses both mind and reason, both a divine and a mortal body. He is also divided up in accordance with the universe. It is for this reason, you know, that some are accustomed to say that his consciousness corresponds with the nature of the fixed stars, his reason in its contemplative aspect with Saturn and in its social aspect with Jupiter, (and) as to his irrational part, the passionate nature with Mars, the eloquent with Mercury, the appetitive with Venus, the sensitive with the Sun, and the vegetative with the Moon."

Living in 2222, most homo sapiens have integrated a feminine language where words often have different and contradictory meanings in different contexts. The feminine language embraces the whole, where, for example, the word "strength" from one perspective can be perceived as "weakness" from another point of view. The feminine holds the entirety and is the birthplace known by various names such as the Void, the Womb, Source, the Universe, Tao, God, Shakti, Tara, Natural Intelligence, the Supreme Divine Cosmic Mother, the Divine Matrix, the Cosmic Singularity, and many more mental constructs. We understand that all these words aim to convey the essence of the free and formless field that has no concrete direction or agenda. These concepts articulate the same reality, grounded in different thought paradigms.

Welcome to 2222! It is a joyous occasion as we have succeeded in creating heaven on earth. Living an awakened life and participating in the co-creation of our Source being on this beautiful and amazing planet, our Mother Earth, is truly delightful. YES - We did it!