Unfolding Heaven on Earth through You

At Divine Design, we believe that heaven is not a distant, abstract realm, but a reality that can manifest here on Earth - through each of us. "The Unfolding of Heaven on Earth through You" represents the idea that the divine is already present within you, and by finding harmony with your inner divinity, you become a vehicle for bringing this higher reality into the world.

This unfoldment is a process of awakening, where layers of conditioned beliefs and limitations disappear, revealing the true essence of who you are: a radiant being of light and love, connected to the infinite source of creation. When you connect to the Divine Design within you, you begin to manifest heaven in your daily life - in your thoughts, actions and relationships.

Unfold your heaven. Embrace your Divine design.

Every act of kindness, every moment of compassion, every step you take towards your higher purpose is part of this unfolding. It is a journey of co-creation with the universe, where the spiritual and the material unite in harmony.

At Divine Design, we offer activation, guidance, blessings, healing, inspiration and practices that help you access your divine potential and consciously express it in the world. Together, we don't just dream of a better future - we actively create Heaven on Earth through our authentic selves.

"The kingdom of God does not come in such a way that you can see it with your eyes. No one will be able to say, 'Look, here it is' or 'There it is'. For the kingdom of God is within you." Luke 17:20-21

Jesus or Christ Consciousness is a spiritual power available to all, and it cannot be monopolized by any religion or faith community. It is Universal to ALL. Jesus said he was a brother to the wood, and this is a CHOICE everyone has. YOU can choose to be a brother or sister to the world as Ann-Peggy has done.

More and more people have already activated the kingdom of heaven that we find when we transform the outer reality and live from the inner Divine reality through divine design. Many call this coming home, where our perception has made a major quantum shift in living out heaven on earth. One of Ann-Peggy's strengths is connecting dimensions and realities that also exist beyond time and space. Through sacred space and divine design, we surrender the programmed ego so that knowledge, information and wisdom can flow freely through consciousness.

Ann-Peggy has seen that the future, after our period of violent chaos, will expand into A LOT OF LIGHT. We will create new societies where we are friendly with each other, and where we know that what happens to one, happens to all. Our children and young people will experience the brilliant future of heaven on earth that we are moving towards, because we have learned conscious creation through our inner universe. The new future for humans is to create heaven on earth where we live out our divine designs. The dreams we dream of we will live out and experience on earth, where in a few decades we will look back on all the madness we have created after World War II.

It will be difficult to understand how it is possible to create as much imbalance and environmental disease as we have done over the past hundred years. We've been locked inside our brains, and there we've lost our way. We haven't recognized the brain as the tool it is along with the multidimensional abilities that exist in our inner landscape. The brain, the breath and the whole body are different tools that we haven't learned how to use. Even all our senses are tools, where the body works perfectly if we follow the flow of life and our light source divine design.

"Do you not know that you are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwells in you?" 1 Corinthians 3:16

Jesus modeled how to use our bodies and minds, and he showed us what abilities we have available. All humans are self-healing beings, where we are now upgrading our DNA. We are upgrading our entire existence because through our free will we can grow towards our divine design. We are awakening from our programmed patterns and surrendering to the light. Even though we are in the light - we are aware of the yin and yang where we test out the darkness to see what it can become. We have wanted to experiment with EVERYTHING, and have experimented a lot with the darkness over the past thousands of years, so we have unconsciously created environmental diseases and stagnation. We have exploited others, been grotesque and inflicted a lot of darkness on ourselves in this. Through this madness, we have lived as children and as immature babies without taking responsibility. But now heaven is here, where all we have to do is surrender to the light and the kingdom of heaven within us.

"The Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees him nor knows him. You know him, for he abides with you and will be in you." John 14:17