ACTIVATE YOUR PROPHETIC WISDOM FOR ALL TIME, and step into your Divine Design of infinite possibilities.

Ann-Peggy is the innovator behind, which acts as a link for the greater creation that connects all people and all creation.

Divine Design - Unfolding Heaven on Earth through You

Divine Design is the fundamental blueprint for human existence, where each soul is a star of light, projecting itself into physical form to experience life and gather insight. It connects each individual to the infinite source of creation, guiding us through all earthly and cosmic experiences.

Buddha, Jesus Christ and Lao Tzu are all considered holy prophets who throughout time have shown humanity deep wisdom and spiritual insight on how to bring heaven to earth. Lao Tzu is considered the founder of Tao (Taoism) which is the natural lessons of the universe and the name that the ancient Chinese gave to the mysterious that gave birth to the universe. Tao directly translated means "the way" and is the fundamental cosmic unity from which the universe unfolds, which is infinity and beyond time and space. Jesus Christ and Buddha took the inner journey given to humans of evolving beyond ego attachment to the freedom inherent in source design and our own Divine Will which is also called Tao. In Hinduism, Brahma is the creator of the universe and he is the father of all gods and humans. He is the first of the gods in the Hindu trinity along with Vishnu and Shiva. In shamanism, things in nature are said to be animated by spirits or gods, where all creation on earth has a divine consciousness.

Syncretism is the process of reconciling or combining different religious traditions, customs/lifestyles and beliefs. People's different languages, cultures and practices affect how people experience wellbeing, how they seek help, and how they relate to their own health, identity and being. For example, Western and Eastern medicine have different cultures, understandings and languages in their approach to health, religion and wisdom. Many religions have syncretic elements, where polytheistic deities are seen as manifestations or representatives of one higher power, one God, so that different traditions can be reconciled. Monotheism emphasizes the transcendent, unchanging unity of the deity, while polytheism can be seen as a way of understanding the divine through the multifaceted forces and divine principles that exist in the world. The concepts of henotheism, monism, pantheism and syncretism can provide us with a theological framework that combines elements from all traditions. This often requires a mystical approach that sees divinity as something more diverse than the strict monotheistic or polytheistic systems can express in isolation.

All humans have a magnetic essence that wants to experience the sacred world and know that it is present for us in all circumstances. We need divine wisdom to understand the human world and all its expressions, and to assist with divine intervention in the physical world. We need to be aware of our multi-sensory nature and what we cannot do from the personality alone, but can do together in a greater divine co-creation.

Several religions and spiritual traditions operate with concepts of three parts, the Trinity, although these are not identical in their understanding. The concept of the Trinity that specifically deals with "the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit" is unique to Christianity. In Buddhism, the three jewels, also called the three protections; Buddha (the teacher), Dharma (the teachings), and Sangha (the community and believers) are an important part of Buddhist belief and practice. By seeking the three jewels, a Buddhist commits to following the Buddhist path to enlightenment. In Taoism, Tao, Yin and Yang are often referred to as a trinity, where Tao is the fundamental and all-encompassing force that underlies and permeates all that exists, while yin and yang are the complementary forces that arise from Tao. Tao, yin and yang show us the dynamic balance and interaction of forces that create and sustain the universe. In addition, Hinduism practices its definition of trinity in the concept of Trimurti which consists of the three main gods Brahma (the creator), Vishnu (the sustainer) and Shiva (the destroyer)

Promoting the Divine and Cosmic shows that we have the power to be whatever we want to be. Divinity is not a religion or a being, which is why the terms cosmic and universal are used interchangeably with the term divine. This is the energy of humans moving more and more into the divine heart where they expand and embody the light and creation of the universe. Jesus taught us to foster the feminine aspect in humans that makes us stronger and more expansive to radiate more light on earth. It is a universal LYS work to bring in the love and cosmic divinity. The Divine cosmic energy will always seek balance and harmony in the body and our entire system by bringing in both the feminine and the masculine. The intuition that is in the belly, heart and brain works like a spiral all the way from the center of the earth all the way to the center of the cosmos when we are in complete coherence.