What is Divine Design
Divine Design is the fundamental blueprint for human existence, where each soul is a star of light, projecting itself into physical form to experience life and gather insight. It connects each individual to the infinite source of creation, guiding us through all earthly and cosmic experiences.
The story behind DIVINE DESIGN
In 2015, Ann-Peggy embarked on a profound journey while training as a regression and EFT therapist. Over the course of three days, she experienced an extraordinary opening to the vertical life, accessing dozens of past lives and experiences that transcended the boundaries of time. On the last day of this intense period, under the guidance of hypnotherapist Steve Burgess, she came into contact with a life in another dimension, far beyond earthly boundaries. She found herself in the presence of a Great Being of Light, an entity that radiated light in all directions and contained infinite knowledge, insight and wisdom. Ann-Peggy experienced what it was like to be this magnificent being, feeling its vast essence - formless but enormous, without arms or legs, like a butterfly shape of extended, dazzling rays of light.
While in this light-being state, she felt parts of her light fade, and she sensed that a deep transformation was about to take place. At first, she thought this was another transition to death, as she had already relived several moments of death from previous lives over the previous few days. Overwhelmed by the magnificence of the experience, however, she decided not to go any further, expressing a desire to return to her physical life without exploring further. The sheer magnificence of this formless light in a dimension beyond the physical seemed almost too much to process.
As time went on, Ann-Peggy often thought about the being of light she had encountered and wondered what galaxy or dimension she had experienced. Years later, after becoming more grounded in her spiritual journey and integrating past, present and future, she felt ready to revisit this being of light. Now, after conducting hundreds of personal ceremonies and creating sacred spaces where she could travel beyond time and space, she sought deeper insight into what had initially frightened her in 2015. What she discovered was far from what she had first thought.
Upon re-encountering the Great Being of Light - a manifestation of her own essence - Ann-Peggy realized that what she had previously interpreted as a death process was in fact the opposite. It was not a death, but the birth of something new. The fading of her light was not the end, but a projection into the physical world, where her light could be experienced in human form. This insight revealed the core of Divine Design - the fundamental blueprint for human existence, where each soul is a star of light projecting itself into form to live and learn through the physical world.
As Ann-Peggy's light being showed her, Divine Design contains the full spectrum of human experience, both on Earth and beyond. It is the very source of creation, the light from which all beings are born and to which we all return. Every soul carries this Divine Design, which connects us to the infinite source, God. It is through this light that we project ourselves in different forms to gather experiences and insights.
The famous expression "We are made of stardust" captures the direct connection between the cosmos and human life. The heavy elements of the human body - iron in the blood, calcium in the bones - were forged in stars and scattered into the universe through supernova explosions. This cosmic material is the very foundation of life on Earth, and it connects us all to the larger cosmic processes. Physically, humans are made of stardust, but spiritually we are made of light. We are the result of a long cosmic process, where matter from exploding stars has been recycled into planets and life forms like ourselves. We are not separate entities, but interconnected with everything else in the universe, just as the matter from the stars is part of everything else.
In the video above, you can see that human history is just a blink of an eye on a cosmic timescale. By squeezing 13.8 billion years into 10 minutes, this video shows how young we are and how prehistoric and vast the universe is. It started with the Big Bang and culminates in the appearance of homo sapiens. This experience follows the display of 22 million years per second and roughly matches our current scientific understanding.
Just as a star radiates light and energy in all directions and affects its cosmic environment, so does the inner light in every human being. Our energy and potential radiate and touch the people around us. In spiritual traditions, this inner light is seen as a symbol of wisdom, love and awakening. When we let our light shine, we spread positive energies that uplift and transform others. For thousands of years, this light has been called the soul, and Ann-Peggy has come to understand this light as our essence and our Divine Design.
Divine design is YOUR ESSENCE
Divine Design is the power of the light we as humans can choose to radiate in the world. It represents our free will in cosmic creation and what we wish to manifest. Divine Design is not a religion, tradition or fixed structure - it is pure essence, often referred to as I AM. It is a creative force that unites the feminine and masculine energies in balance and harmony. Everyone, both men and women, carries this divine feminine energy within them.
We are born with a seed of Source consciousness, but because we have free will, this seed must be developed through our choices. Our free will is part of the process of raising our vibration so that we are synchronized with agape, the divine love. Agape is the unconditional love that is constant and unchanging, and it is the same love we experience through Cosmic and Divine Source. We radiate this love through our Divine Design.
When we activate our chakras, open our third eye, and connect with our higher self, we begin to explore our multidimensional nature. All humans are brilliant, powerful, multidimensional beings, incarnated to experience oblivion and then remember their true divine essence.
The laws of the universe manifest in the body and our deep understanding of how we are put together and our inherent power can free us from external limitations. The outer universe is a reflection of our inner universe, and everything we manifest in physical form stems from our choices. Our inner power controls our destiny.
Divine Design carries the essence of light, agape and universal laws. When we understand these laws, both those that govern our inner and outer universe, we see our deep connection to all that is. Humans live in accordance with both horizontal and vertical laws. The horizontal laws deal with science and three-dimensional reality, while the vertical laws deal with the mysterious universal insights and transformations that occur in physical form.
These laws affect both our physical and spiritual health. For example, if we are living in imbalance - through fear, emotional instability, or spiritual disharmony - the law of balance will kick in to correct the course. Our body is a mirror that reflects the choices we make, and our electromagnetic energy system plays a fundamental role in our understanding of health and the reflected reality we find ourselves in.
The teachings of Jesus, Buddha and Lao Tzu remind us that everything we experience is an illusion. By emptying the mind and seeing clearly, we can transcend the illusion of duality and make loving, conscious choices for ourselves, our loved ones and humanity as a whole. Cosmic Divinity Theology is an open form of spirituality, inclusive and flexible, inviting new ideas and practices. The word "religion" means to "bind together", referring to humanity's relationship with the divine and our common source. Through this theology, the wisdom of the diversity of traditions and religions is united in harmony with cosmic truth.